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Legal Notice

1.- Identifying Information

Neboprint SL. (hereinafter IFOTOMURALES.COM) with registered office at Carrer ďAndorra 35D 08830 Sant Boi de Llobregat Barcelona. Tel.: 633973448 markets via the URL www.ifotomurales.com wallpaper for walls and accessories for home decoration.
This LEGAL NOTICE is intended to regulate access and use and, in general, the relationship between this Portal (hereinafter WEBSITE) accessible from the following Internet address: www.ifotomurales.com and the users of the WEBSITE (hereinafter USERS).

2.- Intellectual Property of the Website Contents

The texts (information, concepts, opinions and other similar) and graphic elements (design, logos, source code and other similar) that constitute the WEBSITE and are disseminated through it, as well as their presentation and assembly, are the exclusive property of IFOTOMURALES.COM or hold the rights to exploit them through agreements with third parties.
In this sense, they are constituted as works protected by the entire Spanish and community regulation in the field of intellectual property in accordance with Royal Legislative Decree 1/1996 of April 12, which approves the Revised Text of the Intellectual Property Law and Law 5/1998 of March 6 on the Incorporation into Spanish Law of Directive 96/9/EC on the Legal Protection of Databases, and the international treaties signed in this field also apply to them.


IFOTOMURALES.COM does not grant any license or authorization of use over its industrial and intellectual property rights or over any other property or right related to its WEBSITE unless expressly agreed with third parties. USERS may carry out the reproduction of the contents of the WEBSITE with the sole purpose of proceeding to their storage, making backup copies or printing them on paper for private use.


Aside from the foregoing, any reproduction, distribution, transformation, total or partial presentation of the content of the WEBSITE or any of its elements in any form, whether directly or indirectly, through telematic networks or similar supports for commercial purposes aimed at the public or for use beyond those mentioned, even citing the source, is prohibited, unless expressly and in writing authorized by IFOTOMURALES.COM and, where appropriate, by third party collaborators.
Failure to comply with the foregoing will empower IFOTOMURALES.COM to take appropriate legal action.
The following are specifically prohibited:

  • The presentation of a page from the WEBSITE within a frame of another website that does not belong to IFOTOMURALES.COM through the technique known as "framing", unless expressly authorized in writing by IFOTOMURALES.COM.
  • The insertion of an image disseminated on the WEBSITE in a page or database that does not belong to IFOTOMURALES.COM through the technique known as "in-line linking" unless expressly authorized by IFOTOMURALES.COM.
  • The extraction and use of elements from the WEBSITE causing or not causing harm to IFOTOMURALES.COM in accordance with the provisions of Royal Legislative Decree 1/1996 of April 12, which approves the Revised Text of the Intellectual Property Law and Law 5/1998 of March 6 on the Incorporation into Spanish Law of Directive 96/9/EC on the Legal Protection of Databases.


IFOTOMURALES.COM must expressly authorize the establishment of hypertext links (hyperlinks) on another website directed to the homepage of this WEBSITE or to any other internal page of it, provided that the corresponding pages appear in a complete window and under the electronic addresses of the same. The rights not expressly granted above remain reserved to IFOTOMURALES.COM or, where appropriate, to third party collaborators.


All trade names, trademarks or distinctive signs, logos, symbols, mixed brands, figurative or nominative trademarks that appear on this WEBSITE belong to IFOTOMURALES.COM or have prior authorization of the right to use them and are protected by the legislation in force in this regard.

3.- Disclaimer for Content and Services Provided

IFOTOMURALES.COM includes on its WEBSITE a series of own contents prepared by IFOTOMURALES.COM or through collaboration agreements with other entities (hereinafter generically referred to as CONTENTS). IFOTOMURALES.COM provides its USERS through the WEBSITE multiple services (hereinafter SERVICES).
Both the SERVICES and the CONTENTS offered to the USERS may be extended or modified in the future by IFOTOMURALES.COM, with everything provided in this section applying to them.


IFOTOMURALES.COM excludes any liability for damages of any kind that may arise from access to the content, information, advertising, opinions, concepts and images provided to USERS on this WEBSITE that are contrary to law, morality, good faith and public order, infringe intellectual or industrial property rights, or contain any defects, computer viruses or similar software routines.
At the moment IFOTOMURALES.COM becomes aware that any of the contents, opinions and concepts hosted on the WEBSITE are contrary to law, morality, good faith and public order or contain any kind of computer virus or similar software routine, it will proceed to their withdrawal.
In any case, IFOTOMURALES.COM is not responsible for the contents, information and images that do not depend on the WEBSITE or are not managed by IFOTOMURALES.COM although they appear on the WEBSITE by virtue of a collaboration agreement signed by IFOTOMURALES.COM.


IFOTOMURALES.COM is not responsible for the editing, review, censorship and verification of the contents of the pages or Internet sites with which the USER connects through hyperlinks included on the WEBSITE.
IFOTOMURALES.COM is not responsible for any information, opinions and concepts that are issued, published or distributed directly or indirectly through this WEBSITE, any interconnected website that is accessed through the WEBSITE by means of links or any of the services that are linked or related to this interconnected website.
IFOTOMURALES.COM is not responsible for the misuse of the contents of the WEBSITE, being the sole responsibility of the person who accesses them or uses them. USERS agree to use the WEBSITE and its SERVICES in accordance with the law, morality, generally accepted good customs and public order.


IFOTOMURALES.COM provides its services and contents continuously using all technical means at its disposal to provide such service satisfactorily.
IFOTOMURALES.COM may, whenever it deems appropriate, make corrections, improvements or modifications to the information contained on the WEBSITE, in the SERVICES or in the CONTENTS without giving rise to any claim or compensation or implying any recognition of responsibility.
IFOTOMURALES.COM is not responsible for damages of any kind that may arise from the technical availability and continuity of the operation of the WEBSITE. In any case, IFOTOMURALES.COM will carry out all necessary actions to restore its services in the event of a technical failure. IFOTOMURALES.COM is not responsible for damages of any kind that may arise from the knowledge that unauthorized third parties may have of the data of the USERS and the use they make on the WEBSITE through these data.


IFOTOMURALES.COM will provide USERS with the appropriate technical resources so that, prior to the submission of personal data, they can access this LEGAL NOTICE or any other relevant information and give their consent so that IFOTOMURALES.COM can proceed to the automated processing of USERS' personal data.


IFOTOMURALES.COM reserves the right to modify this policy to adapt it to new or legislative and jurisprudential requirements, as well as industry practices, taking into account at all times the legitimate interests of the consumer or user.
